
Dauphin County Republican Committee - February 14, 2015

Greater Harrisburg FOP Lodge 78 - April 8, 2015

Pennsylvania State Police FOP Lodge 41 - April 14, 2015

Pennsylvania State Troopers Association - August 24, 2015

Firearms Owners Against Crime - October 4, 2015

Personal Endorsements

Colonel Jeffrey B. Miller, PA State Police (Retired) and former Commissioner - March 8, 2015

"I have known and worked with Nick for nearly three decades. As a member of the State Police, Nick was a dedicated public servant. He loved his job and was driven to make a difference in the communities that he served. Nick will make a terrific Sheriff because he truly cares about people. He always saw his job as a way to help others. He will be a proud public servant for the people of Dauphin County."

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Coury, PA State Police (Retired) and former Deputy Commissioner of Operations - July 16, 2015

"During my 30 plus year career I have had the honor and pleasure of knowing and working with many of the 5,000 fine men and women of the Pennsylvania State Police. One of those I had the opportunity to work with for many years was Nicholas Chimienti Jr.. Without question Nick was one of the most extremely talented, knowledgeable, and determined criminal investigators I have ever met. With Nick, what stood out to me more than that was, and still is, his unwavering high sense of integrity, ethics, and core values. Hard work, integrity and professionalism is the basis for everything he represents. His keen sense of personal values extends well beyond the work place and Nick places his family at the very pinnacle of his allegiance and commitments. There is no finer, loyal, nor more qualified individual than Nicholas Chimienti Jr. to serve as our next Sheriff of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania."

Cpl. Dick Johnson, PA State Police (RETIRED) Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Organized Crime Division- July 15, 2015

“I am proud to give my endorsement for Dauphin County Sheriff to Nick Chimienti. I worked very closely with Nick for over five years while we were members of the Pennsylvania State Police, Organized Crime Division. Nick was a dedicated and professional Trooper who loved to come to work and did his work well. He was an asset to PSP and will be an asset to Dauphin County.”

Michael J. Hudak Jr. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent in Charge, (Retired) Middle District of Pa. July 10, 2012

"Nick, congratulations on your retirement after 27 distinguished years of service to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States. You've had a tremendous career filled with unimaginable experiences, many notable accomplishments and remarkable successes. I consider you a consummate State Trooper. The FBI, particularly the Agents and support staff will always hold you in the highest esteem. We all owe you the utmost gratitude, and quite literally our lives for your efforts identifying, successfully investigating and bringing about the conviction of a horribly violent extremist.

The FBI will always remember that case and the fact that many lives could/would have been lost (possibly mine). There was no doubt in anyone's mind the subject was intent on fulfilling his plan to kill untold numbers of people because of his twisted thinking. Thank God the judge believed that as well and sent him away. I loved your advice to the new Troopers. Hopefully they will listen and take your advice to take care of each other, carry on the remarkable Pennsylvania State Police tradition, be compassionate and always fight the good fight. I have always admired and quite frankly been envious of the Pennsylvania State Police for their camaraderie, honor and reputation. It's guys like you who have always promoted and continued that remarkable tradition. The young guys can fill confident standing on your shoulders to carry on that great tradition. I wish you and your family the very best life has to offer in your retirement. If you continue to work, good luck. Thank you for your service, your consummate professionalism and most especially your cherished friendship. God bless you.

Edward Marsico, District Attorney, Dauphin County Pennsylvania- August 1, 2015

"Nick Chimienti will be an outstanding sheriff. His experience as a state trooper; his integrity; and his work ethic will make our county a safer place. I enthusiastically support Nick for Sheriff."