RIP to Patrolman John WILDING
If your not sure what the meaning of the "Thin Blue Line" is to police officers it's the line between order and chaos. RIP to Patrolman John WILDING who guarded that line. John was a rookie officer from upstate Pennsylvania that lost his life yesterday. Please read the story at See more at bottom of page.
Still living today are officers that carry the scars they received in the battle between good and evil. Some of the scars are physical, from wounds and injuries suffered in the line of duty. Many of the scars, however, cannot be seen. How many more of us will go to God carrying mental scars of a career spent seeing and doing things ordinary citizens cannot bear to see or do. Police officers see society at it’s very worst and, in those rare moments we will always cherish, when we see it occasionally at it’s very best. Don't ever forget that no matter how high the price, police officers will always step up to the line, ready to pay it. They will face evil knowing that someone must stand the line.
The 98.9 percent of the officers in this country will continue to guard that line and hopefully not be put into the category of those that have shamed and dishonored it. As you know I usually don't rant about anything on FB but I am saddened by this senseless loss here close to home of this husband and father who guarded "The Thin Blue Line." John paid the ultimate price while carrying his oath to "Protect and Serve."